Wow! Check out the refret on this… Nice and shiny and new! It’s like a brand spanking new axe, better than a factory finish! Combined with a full set-up and electrics overhaul, this little baby is ready to sing again!

Today I spent some time fret stoning and setting up a Fender USA Deluxe Strat. The fret wear was fairly consistent along the neck, although the upper frets/dusty end weren’t too worn, so needed a touch more attention to bring them into line with the rest of the neck. It was plain sailing though, and sure enough this baby is ready to sing and get going again!
This was a set-up that had three saddles in a vintage configuration. The action was able to come down significantly and the relief in the neck was already sufficient for a decent feel, so no need to touch the truss rod on this occasion. Getting the intonation balanced was certainly time-consuming, but the end result was lovely!